Welcome to our newsletter, where we bring you the latest updates and insights from SHINE Children and Youth Services.

Beginning 2024, we will endeavour to provide you with regular updates on our programmes and events.
In This Issue:
Featured Stars:
Two shining stars from the STAR Programme, joined by students from Pacifica Music Academy, spread love and joy when their adorable video was shared on Valentine's Day. 💘
Volunteers Spotlight:
Discover the Heartwarming Stories of SHINE Volunteers: Spreading Joy and Inspiration Together! 🌟
(1) Awards & Achievements:
Highlighting SHINE's commitment to excellence and children and youth empowerment

SHINE most recent awards and achievements 🏆:
(2) SHINE Highlights:
Shining Bright: Empowering 100 Children Through STAR

SHINE launches STAR 🌟:
'Just Fur Fun': The Transformative Impact of Animal-assisted Care Programme

SHINE launches 'Just Fur Fun' 😻:
(3) Events and Volunteer Opportunities Updates:
Exciting announcements about upcoming events and ways to get involved

Take a moment to explore the various opportunities 💌:
Stay connected with us, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Telegram to get the latest updates.
We look forward to your feedback on our newsletter, which you will receive every quarter.
Let us know what you think, or if there are features that you would like to see more of.
Please send your comments and suggestions to cp@shine.org.sg.
Mr Lee Seng Meng
Executive Director
SHINE Children and Youth Services